martes, 29 de octubre de 2019


We will remember about what happened before and after the explosion caused at the Vladimir Ilich Lenin nuclear plant in Prípiat on April 26, 1986

All this happened during a power outage test, there was a failure in reactor 4 of the nuclear plant causing an explosion of hydrogen accumulated inside, all of a sudden this caused the death of 31 people and the government forced to evict more than 100,000 people from the area of the explosion, Moments after the accident, the firefighters and police of Pripyat were prepared to go to the rescue, thanks to them they prevented the fire from spreading throughout the city, days later they reported 18 seriously injured and 150 from contamination even years after the accident victims continue, the radiation took an area
of 10 km², the evacuation began for the Prípyat population after the exploration and ended after 36 hours, 6 days later the evacuation of the populations near 36 km² of the area began, by then there were more than 1000 affected, to avoid a chain reaction the army sent more than 50,000 material to absorb pollution and prevent it from causing more damage

After the accident, the fire department and the people who helped the rescue were affected shortly afterwards due to the radiation they were exposed to, the report said that after the accident, thyroid cancer increased in children born before the accident , almost 1000 people were hospitalized, about 600,000 victims among them 4000 workers, children and rescuers died were a total of 6.8 million people affected.

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